Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Property Management Calculator

How do we determine what you pay per month?

HomeQwest Realty Group structures fees charged to property Owners once we have had an opportunity to analyze and evaluate your information.

Very seldom are any 2 properties the same other than floor-plan or maybe street appeal, more importantly no 2 Investors are in the same financial position.

How does that effect the rate charged me?

For some of our Investors we charge a flat rate up to $4.00 per day that includes all of our services.

While for others we start at $2.00 per day then add on the services they choose.

Typically commissions are paid at time of leasing but for some we spread that over the term of the lease which would increase the $2.00 per day rate. Some Investors have their own maintenance contractors and handle those emergencies themselves.

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